Pain Treatment

Pain treatment info

Pain treatment using P-Stim™

Definition and medical treatment of pain

Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage. It is a major symptom in many medical conditions, and can significantly interfere with a person's quality of life and general functioning.

Pain is usually controlled by the use of chemical substances in the form of pain-killing and anti-inflammatory drugs, which carry potential adverse risks in the way of side effects and addiction.

Pain affects the daily life of the patient

The role of endorphins in pain treatment

Endorphins are among the brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters, which function to transmit electrical signals within the nervous system. Two of the most common factors that lead to the release of endorphins are stress and pain. When these factors are present, endorphins are released and react with opiate receptors in the brain to reduce the perception of pain.

This process is similar to how pain-killing drugs such as morphine and codeine work. However, in contrast to pain-killing or opiate drugs, the natural activation of opiate receptors by the body does not lead to addiction or dependence.

Endorphins are a natural analgesic (painkiller)

How does P-STIM™ reduce pain?

Studies have shown that P-STIM™ enhances the release of natural endorphins by activating cranial nerves that result in physiological changes in functional brain activities, which has been confirmed with MRI.

P-STIM™ provides:

  • A release of endogenous opioids and enkephalins, which controls pain
  • An analgesic effect through the release of endorphins
  • An interruption of “pain memory” (a major issue in chronic pain conditions)
  • Control of local inflammation, which also reduces pain

Randomized double blind and controlled studies indicate that, after initial treatments, the majority of patients describe at least 50% reduction in pain and further accumulation of pain reduction in subsequent treatments. Some patients, having solely relied upon narcotic drug therapies, have been able to discontinue the use of these conventional medicines.

Similar implementations

Similar techniques were employed by the US Air Force in Iraq and Afghanistan in early 2009 and involve inserting very tiny semi-permanent needles into very specific acupoints in the skin on the ear to block pain signals from reaching the brain. This method can lessen the need for pain medications that may cause adverse or allergic reactions or addiction. A consultant for the Surgeon General of the Air Force notes that it is one of the fastest pain attenuators in existence and that the pain can be gone in five minutes.

PSTIM™ is an effective, non drug
pain treatment

P-STIM™ offers a better quality of life

In many cases, P-STIM™ not only significantly alleviates pain but also allows a considerably better quality of life. Studies (1, 2) have shown that the general health, sleep and activeness of the patient are sunstantially improved.

The miniaturization of P-STIM™ and the weight of just 7 grams allow easy portability and mobility. Patients remain independent throughout the entire therapy and are able to continue with their individual everyday life. Sports and other leisure activities can be pursued after doctor consultation.

Patients can carry on with their everyday lives


Due to the fact that acute and chronic pain sufferers have different needs, P-STIM™ can be customized for individual patients. The initial application is designed to immediately mitigate pain and provide early relief. Additional treatments are then adapted toward addressing each patient’s needs. P-STIM™ was created for patients who suffer from chronic pain including upper and lower back pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis, sciatica, cervical/neck pain, joint pain, cancer pain and migraines. Patients with post-operative pain have also benefited from reduced pain and less narcotic consumption and side effects. It is recommended that therapies be applied for up to nine weeks, as each treatment provides accumulated pain relief.

List of Indications:

  • Back Pain
  • Sciatic Pain
  • Cancer Pain
  • Headache - Migraine, Tension, Cluster, etc.
  • Post-Operative Pain
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Sports Injuries
  • And many other indications
PSTIM™ relieves both acute and chronic pain


Although the P-STIM™ pain relief treatment is designed to be minimally invasive with virtually no side effects, it is necessary to note advised contraindications where a physician would determine the feasibility of application and continued usage.

  • Certain heart conditions may prevent usage – no clinical data available
  • Recent organ transplants
  • History of seizures
  • Haemophilia Psoriasis vulgaris (an intact skin surface is required for use of P-STIM™)

Absolute Contraindications are:

  • Anti-coagulant therapy
  • Recent transplant
  • Site infection

Relative Contraindications are:

  • Pregnancy
  • Pacemakers
  • Contact dermatitis to adhesives (latex allergy)
  • The occurrence of an MI (Myocardial infraction) within the last 6 months

All indications are up to the discretion of the physician in charge and it is the responsibility of the supervising physician to review the patient’s condition before treatment.

PSTIM™ has virtually no side effects and thus
very few contraindications

Benefits and advantages

The benefits of P-STIM™ and its advantages in comparison to every other pain treatment method are:

  • Percutaneously placed on an outpatient basis with little or no complication
  • Non-drug treatment for pain with little or no side-effects
  • Suitable for all ages and almost all physical conditions
  • Pain reliever that doesn’t affect liver
  • Self contained, miniaturized, battery-powered, providing continuous stimulation
  • Consistent electrical current, via standardized microchip control
  • Small, light and comfortable enough to wear behind the ear for 4 days
  • Mobile, allowing patients to continue with most activity without restriction
  • Light weight (7g), allowing a patient to enjoy normal daily activities
Non-invasive, non-drug but effective
pain treatment

Famous supporters of P-STIM™

A well known football player, Daud Gazale, is among the patients who have successfully used P-STIM™ :
P-STIM is safe for use by football players.